The Methodology Behind the Deep Linking Benchmark Report
In this blog post, we shed light on the meticulous methodology that fueled the development of our comprehensive deep linking benchmark report, conducted in collaboration with

Understanding the mechanics of deep linking is an essential aspect of providing a seamless user experience and enhancing user engagement for mobile-first companies. At the core of this understanding lies robust, data-driven research and analysis. In this blog post, we are going to shed light on the meticulous methodology that fueled the development of our comprehensive deep linking benchmark report, conducted in collaboration with
A Holistic Approach to Deep Linking Analysis
Our approach to investigating deep linking's intricacies involved a comprehensive analysis of over 2,000 deep link tests. To gain an extensive understanding, we focused our study on:
- Top 3-4 apps from each major vertical, capturing a diverse array of sectors, from finance to health and music.
- Popular channels spanning search, social media, email, and SMS, enabling us to identify variations in deep linking performance across these mediums.
- Devices operating on both iOS and Android systems, allowing us to observe the differences between these platforms.
Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology: The Role of Our Testing Solution
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of our findings, we turned to our proprietary mobile app testing solution. This state-of-the-art technology utilizes mechanical robots, computer vision, and AI to interact with real, physical mobile devices. This testing method accurately replicates real-world user behavior, interacting with live apps and uncovering authentic insights into deep link performance across various scenarios.
The testing period ran from May to June 2023, giving us a fresh and relevant look at the current state of deep linking. This timeframe offered us a substantial pool of data for analysis, supporting the comprehensive nature of our report.
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The latest data and benchmarks on deep link failure rates
Scoring System: A Quantitative Evaluation of Deep Link Efficacy
To create a tangible and comparable measurement of deep link efficacy, we formulated a proprietary scoring system. This system captures the relative importance of various real-world deep link scenarios, assigning weights and scores to each test scenario.
The system takes into account multiple factors like the seamless redirection of users to the intended destinations within each app, accounting for different app installation states and multiple channels. In doing so, it gives due consideration to the technical intricacies of deep linking.
Categorizing Deep Link Test Results: A Detailed Breakdown
During our testing, we tagged results into multiple categories associated with the app install state and deep link outcome for the user. These categories factor in both the app’s technical implementation and the deep linking strategy employed.
When the app was installed, outcomes ranged from successful deep linking to the app, opening in webview with or without a call to action (CTA), and opening in the app store. In instances where deep linking was not attempted, the user was not led to the mobile app either directly or through a CTA.
Similarly, when the app was not installed, outcomes included opening in webview with or without a CTA, opening in the app store, or no attempt to lead the user to the mobile app. This detailed categorization helped us to delve into the nuances of the deep linking experience across various scenarios.
Ensuring a Comprehensive Analysis
By adopting such an extensive and meticulous approach, our deep linking benchmark report provides a thorough understanding of the deep linking landscape. The insights gained from this report are instrumental in helping mobile-first companies enhance their user experience, drive engagement, boost conversions, and build brand loyalty.
The latest data and benchmarks on deep link failure rates
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