Adopt a Robot... Prevent World Domination

We’ve always thought stories about Robot World Domination were overhyped until we left our Mobots alone for a few hours. Click play for a glimpse behind the scenes of what one Mobot does when it’s not performing automated QA testing.

What is Mobot?

Mobot is a QA-as-a-Service solution that uses real, mechanical robots to automate mobile app tests on real, physical devices. Integrating directly into your CI/CD pipeline process, Mobot automates all mobile app tests, captures detailed side-by-side visuals during testing, detailed logs, and eliminates noise so you can catch & fix bugs fast.
Does Mobot attempt world domination? Do they make the solo vaca to Sydney? Find out in episode 2 - coming soon!
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Why Do Mobile Teams Choose Mobot?


Over 200 Android & iOS real devices for testing.


Test Efficiency
Mobot does the work in 1 day that would take a human 5 days to complete


Test Coverage
Our robots succeed where all others fail

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